南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 熊涛)我校农业产业与技术经济团队发表了关于供给方行为对全球能源期现货市场影响机理的研究成果。该研究聚焦2020年3-4月俄罗斯与沙特阿拉伯之间爆发的原油价格战事件,首次探讨了主要原油供给方之间的价格战是如何影响全球能源期现货市场的。研究成果以“The Russia-Saudi Arabia oil price war during the COVID-19 pandemic”为题在国际能源经济与管理领域一流期刊Energy Economics发表。
The COVID-19 pandemic damaged crude oil markets and amplified the consequences of uncertainty stemming from the Russia-Saudi Arabia oil price war in March–April of 2020. We investigate the impacts of the oil price war on global crude oil markets. By doing so, we use the daily futures and spot prices in three major crude oil markets—West Texas Intermediate, European Brent, and Oman—to perform a systematic analysis of the impacts of the oil price war on them. The event study method, a well-established analytical tool to measure the impacts of a given event on markets, is used in this study. The results indicate that information leakage plays an important role in the impacts of the price war. The outbreak of and truce following the price war have asymmetrical impacts on the markets; negative impacts generated by information leakage during the outbreak are generally more durable than the positive ones it generated during the truce. Furthermore, the magnitude of the impacts on futures markets is negatively correlated with the time-to-maturity of futures. Finally, negative crude oil prices affect West Texas Intermediate crude oil markets the most. Our findings generally show that market participants could perceive and assimilate market changes and adjust their expectations, which restrained the impacts that should have occurred within the oil price war.